How many times can bail be extended?
Have you been released on pre-charge bail and think it may be extended soon? It’s understandable that you will be anxious about what the future holds for you in the coming months – knowing exactly what to expect can alleviate some of that anxiety.
In this article, we’ll discuss how many times pre-charge bail can be extended, who can extend it, why the police may choose to extend it, what happens when bail ends, and what to do right now if you are on pre-charge bail.
How many times can pre-charge bail be extended?
For almost all cases, pre-charge bail can be extended a total of 3 times. It is initially set at 3 months, and can be extended 3 months at a time, up to a maximum of 12 months.
In some special cases (usually those involving complicated crimes like serious fraud and terrorism), pre-charge bail can be extended beyond 12 months with judicial authorisation.
Who can extend pre-charge bail?
The more extensions requested, the higher authority is required to approve the extension.
The first extension from 3 to 6 months can be granted by an Inspector. From 6 to 9 months, a Superintendent must grant approval. For 9 to 12 months (and beyond if appropriate), the Magistrates’ Court must grant approval.
Why might the police extend my bail?
The reasons the police may have to extend your bail vary. They could need additional time to source more evidence. They might be waiting on third-parties to analyse evidence they already have. They may have limited time to work on your case because of stretched resources. There are any number of reasons and you can speak with your solicitor and custody officer to work out what the reasons are in your case.
What happens when bail runs out?
When your pre-charge bail period ends, the police need to decide their next steps, whether that be closing the case with no charges, charging you, or releasing you under investigation instead. You can read our post on what happens when bail ends for more information.
On pre-charge bail? Speak to us now.
The pre-charge period is a critical window to get the best outcome for your case. At Holborn Adams, we believe that prevention is better than cure, which is why we recommend initiating pre-charge engagement (see the video below). Our pre-charge solicitors will help you build a case demonstrating why you should not be charged, saving you money, time, and stress in the long-term. Please don’t hesitate – get in touch with us today.